Prof. Dr. Stephan Kröner
Prof. Dr. Stephan Kröner
Tel.: +49 911 5302-95167
Room U1.0281, Regensburger Str. 160, 90478 Nürnberg, Consultations by appointment
ORCID-ID: 0000-0001-9396-9168
Stephan Kröner received his MA (Diplom) in Psychology from Justus-Liebig-University (Gießen, Germany), his Ph.D. in Psychology from Erfurt University (PH Erfurt, Germany) and his venia legendi for a habilitation thesis submitted at FAU University.
Current Third-Party Funded Projects
- Collaborative project as part of the program “Integration through Education” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus: MetaIntBil: Meta-project Migration, Integration, and Participation in Education, 2024-2027
- BMBF-funded (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) collaborative project: KuBi-Meta: Arts and Cultural Education in Societal Transformations – A Meta-Project
- BMBF-funded (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) collaborative project EnvironMINT – Gelingensbedingungen für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit von Kindern, Eltern, Schulen und FabLabs für nachhaltige MINT-bezogene Maker-Aktivitäten
- BMEL-funded (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) project Krux – Culture at Regional Level Between Endogenous and Exogenous Factors, 2023-2026
Completed Third-Party Funded Projects
- DFG-funded (German Research Foundation) project RebeL – Religious and Professional Beliefs of Teachers
- BMEL-funded (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) project HeiDi – Heimat Digital: Potentials and Strategies of Digital Regional Development in Rural Areas
- ESF-funded (European Social Fund) project IdEE – Integration by Empowerment of Parents – A Design-Based Research Project
- BMBF-funded (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) project DiKuBi – Digitalization in Aesthetic, Arts and Cultural Education – Quantitative-Empirical Research Syntheses
- BMBF-funded (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) collaborative project MEMU-IN – Condensed Joy? Multi-day Music-Educational Interventions: Determinants of Participation, Effective Design Features and Effects on Competencies and Personal Development
- Staedtler Foundation-funded (Staedtler-Stiftung) project LSM – Reading, Creative Writing and Painting as Leisure Activity of Primary School Children with and without a Migratory Background – an Interdisciplinary Project for the Interaction of Curricular and Extracurricular Surroundings
Selected Publications
- Christ, A., Smolarczyk, K., & Kröner, S. (2024). Schwerpunktthemen der quantitativ-empirischen Forschung mit Bezug zur Digitalisierung in der kulturellen Bildung: Eine kartierende Forschungssynthese [Hot topics of quantitative-empirical research related to digitalization in cultural education: a mapping review]. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Online First. (Open Access)
- Sommer, C., Chilla, T., Birnbaum, L., & Kröner, S. (2025). Digital social innovations in rural areas – process tracing and mapping critical junctures. Journal of Rural Studies. 114. 103510. (open access)
- Birnbaum, L. & Kröner, S. (2022). A review on antecedents and consequences of leisure reading and writing in children. SAGE Open, 12 (3). (open access)
- Christ, A., Penthin, M., & Kröner, S. (2021). Big data and digital aesthetic, arts and cultural education: Hot spots of current quantitative research. Social Science Computer Review. 39(5), 821-843. (open access)
- Smolarczyk, K., & Kröner, S. (2021): Two decades in the making: A scoping review on research on digital making and its potential for digital empowerment in non-formal settings. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. (post-print)
Further information: complete list of publications