Publication: “Digitalization in aesthetics, arts and cultural education—a scoping review”
Stephan Kröner, Alexander Christ and Marcus Penthin published an open access article on “Digitalization in aesthetics, arts and cultural education—a scoping review” (German) in Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (impact factor 0.828).
Digitalization is increasingly changing arts and cultural education. Along with this technological progress comes a transformation of social interactions, aesthetic experiences and forms of expression. This paper presents a scoping review for mapping the evolving research field of digitalization in aesthetic, arts and cultural education (D-ACE). For this, the databases Fachportal Pädagogik and Scopus were exploited to identify original empirical research papers with explicit reference to D‑ACE, which were then categorized according to formal and content-related criteria. This showed an emphasis on the visual arts; contrasting with a lack of research on current developments in fields such as digital making and virtual reality. Most of the relevant studies concentrate on formal educational processes. The overall focus on determinants of competence acquisition, interest and motivation was frequently limited by weak study designs, simplistic comparisons between analog and digital, and insufficiently analyzed data sets. We discuss how these desiderata can be addressed with quantitative and qualitative research in the future.