Rural Science Slam: Jessica Fittkau was awarded second prize for science slam on cultural participation in rural areas

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At the “Rural Science Slam” in Berlin, organized by the Andreas Hermes Academy, our team member Jessica Fittkau had been shortlisted to present the BLE-funded research project “Krux: Culture at Regional Level Between Endogenous and Exogenous Factors” to a diverse audience. In the end, she took 2nd price.

The focus of her science slam was the question when leisure activities in rural areas start to be an expression of culture. Based on the example of the “Wallesau ist Blau” open air festival in rural Franconia, which started out as a private birthday party, she outlined the significance of endogenous and exogenous factors for research on cultural participation in rural areas. In her slam presentation she explained how combinations of these factors may contribute to the development of cultural dynamics in rural areas.

This event provided an excellent platform to draw attention to socially relevant research topics and to communicate them in an accessible and innovative way. We would like to thank the Andreas Hermes Academy for this valuable opportunity to present our work.

Further information can be found at: Jessica Fittkau belegt 2. Platz beim Science Slam der Andreas Hermes Akademie – Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie