MetaIntBil: Meta-project Migration, Integration, and Participation in Education
Principal Investigators: Annette Scheunpflug, Ingrid Gogolin, Stephan Kröner, Lisa Birnbaum, Elke Völmicke
Staff: Emmer Demorel, Martina Osterrieder, Carolin Siebert, N.N.
Period: 2024-2027
Funding: as part of the program “Integration through Education” by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus
As part of a joint meta-project with colleagues from Bamberg, Hamburg and Bonn, we are coordinating the research network “Integration through Education” , funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which deals with key issues of diversity and the empowerment of girls and women with a migration background. In our part of the project, we focus on mapping the research landscape and synthesizing findings from national and international contexts. Building on methodologies developed in previous research, we aggregate success factors that contribute to effective integration through education. In particular, we aim to identify factors and approaches that facilitate success in integration through education. We place special emphasis on (a) international perspectives on integration through education for girls and women with migration background, (b) educational practices in diverse settings, and (c) the implications of these findings for stakeholders in education and policy. To enhance the visibility and impact of the research network, an additional focus of the project is to support the transfer of knowledge between research and practice through innovative formats that facilitate dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders. This includes engagement with education policymakers, practitioners, and civil society organizations, such as migrant associations.
Project website in German: