Condensed Joy? Multi-day Music-Educational Interventions: Determinants of Participation, Effective Design Features and Effects on Competences and Personal Development [MEMU-IN]

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[MEMU-IN: Kondensiertes Glück? Mehrtägige musikpädagogische Interventionen: Determinanten der Teilnahme, wirksame Gestaltungsmerkmale und Effekte auf Kompetenzen und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung]

Principal Investigators: Stephan Kröner (Head), Benjamin Jörissen (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), Andreas C. Lehmann (University of Music Würzburg)
External expert: Johannes Hasselhorn (University of Music Lübeck)
Staff: Verena Wießnet, Lisa Birnbaum, Kathrin Smolarczyk
Period: 2017-2019
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research









How can practical music performance competencies and accompanying activity-related behavioral, normative, and control beliefs be diagnosed? How may beliefs and competencies be fostered by interventions featuring education in music? And how do the participants experience these interventions? Two sub-projects investigated these questions. In the sub-project at FAU, we focused on the development and implementation of a musical education intervention with the aim of fostering musical leisure activities. In field experiments, we implemented different versions to assess the impact of various design features on behavioral outcomes. In our subproject, we also applied a musical competence test that has been developed by our colleagues from the University of Music in the other subproject. Thus, we were able to explore competencies as determinants and effects of musical activities. Moreover, reconstructive interviews related to, and videography from the interventions done by colleagues from the Joerissen Lab provided both interesting data per se and a valuable source of information for redesign of the interventions.



  • Smolarczyk, K., Wießnet, V., Birnbaum, L., & Kröner, S. (2022). The effects of setting and music on the intention to participate in out-of-school music classes: An experimental video vignette study. Psychology of Music50(2), 345-364.
  • Birnbaum, L., Flasche, V., Hasselhorn, J., Jörissen, B., Kröner, S., Lehmann, A.C., Lill, F., Smolarczyk, K. & Wießnet, V. (2020). Kondensiertes Glück? Komplexe Forschungsdesigns zur Entwicklung musikpädagogischer Interventionen.[Condensed Happiness? Complex Research Designs for the Development of Music Education Interventions.] In: Timm, S., Costa, J., Kühn, C. & Scheunpflug, A. Kulturelle Bildung. Theoretische Perspektiven, methodologische Herausforderungen und empirische Befunde [Theoretical Perspectives, Methodological Challenges and Empirical Findings] 317-334. Münster: Waxmann. (open access)
  • Wießnet, V., Penthin, M., Fritzsche, E., & Kröner, S. (2018). Who plays a musical instrument in elementary school? The explanatory value of the family economic and cultural capital in the musical domain. Beiträge Empirischer Musikpädagogik, 9, 1-12.