
Principal Investigators: Annette Scheunpflug, Ingrid Gogolin,  Stephan Kröner, Lisa Birnbaum, Elke Völmicke Staff: Emmer Demorel, Martina Osterrieder, Carolin Siebert, N.N. Period: 2024-2027 Funding: as part of the program "Integration through Education" by the Federal Ministry of Education a...

Principal Investigators: Benjamin Jörissen, Michael Kerres,  Stephan Kröner, Lisa Birnbaum Staff: Jessica Fittkau, Robert Rohm, Franz Krämer, Anna Heinemann Period: 2024-2028 Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research As part of a joint meta-project with colleagues from Erlangen a...

The joint project EnvironMINT of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, University of Siegen and Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences investigates the requirements and conditions for a successful collaboration of schools and Fab Labs with children, parents and peers for self-determined, sustainable and creative Making as a form of holistic STEM.

Recent developments in digitization may be seen as threats, however, they also provide the opportunity to foster a positive relationship of people with their communities via participatory regional development. This may be particularly positive for sustainable development of rural areas at risk of demographic decline. The project's aim is to synthesize, systematize and analyse Europe-wide examples of 'good practice' related to digital strategies and instruments on this issue. These examples will be compiled, resulting in an orientation framework that is being made available in the form of a digital toolbox for further use in regional development...

How do religious or ideological orientations of teachers affect their professional thinking and acting? There is a serious research deficit regarding this question, especially in Europe and Germany. Therefore, we follow the question of how the religiosity of teachers affects their professional tasks - whether as a supporting resource or as a problematic disruptive factor. To pursue this question, we – building up on pilot studies for the development of suitable scales –take an exemplary look on the focus on religiosity and the religious beliefs in a greater invested study with teachers and investigate their connections with professional convictions.

Many women in Germany are single parents, unemployed and without a well-founded professional qualification. How can their quality of life be improved, and at the same time, their professional integration achieved? How can they get involved in processes of empowerment? In a design-based research (DBR) project, we are evaluating and accompanying an intervention aimed at this target group, sponsored by the European Social Fund (ESF)...

How can practical music performance competencies and accompanying activity-related behavioral, normative, and control beliefs be diagnosed? How may beliefs and competencies be fostered by interventions featuring education in music? And how do the participants experience these interventions? Two sub-projects investigated these questions. In the sub-project at FAU, we focused on the development and implementation of a musical education intervention with the aim of fostering musical leisure activities. In field experiments, we implemented different versions to assess the impact of various design features on behavioral outcomes...

Musical activities are an important aspect of cultural participation, however, quantitative-empirical studies of determinants of musical activities in primary school age are rare. This interdisciplinary project focuses on determinants of musical activities in primary school students based on the theory of planned behavior. The project addresses effects of (a) the intrinsic value of musical activities as an aspect of attitude (“joy of playing a musical instrument”), (b) the musical affinity of parents and friends as aspects of the subjective norm and (c) the musical self-concept as the subjective perception of the own musical competencies in terms of the perceived behavioral control....

In spite of academic reforms aiming at shorter study periods, there are still students exceeding the specified course duration. Thus, it is of great interest for university managers to know where the causes for exceeding the specified course duration can be found, in order to be able to take appropriate measures. In a first sub-project, reasons for exceeding the standard period of study were identified and systematized in order to develop questionnaires for the collection of relevant causes. For this purpose, reasons for long study times emerging from the literature were systematized and categorized. As a further source for the categorization, qualitative data (N = 565) from a student survey...

Category: Research