Principal Investigators: Annette Scheunpflug, Ingrid Gogolin, Stephan Kröner, Lisa Birnbaum, Elke Völmicke
Staff: Emmer Demorel, Martina Osterrieder, Carolin Siebert, N.N.
Period: 2024-2027
Funding: as part of the program "Integration through Education" by the Federal Ministry of Education a...
Principal Investigators: Benjamin Jörissen, Michael Kerres, Stephan Kröner, Lisa Birnbaum
Staff: Jessica Fittkau, Robert Rohm, Franz Krämer, Anna Heinemann
Period: 2024-2028
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
As part of a joint meta-project with colleagues from Erlangen a...
Principal Investigators: Tobias Chilla, Stephan Kröner, Lisa Birnbaum
Staff: Jessica Fittkau, Carola Sommer
Period: 2023-2026
Funding: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food
Vital cultural events in rural areas are an important factor in the quality of life. Cultural ac...
The joint project EnvironMINT of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, University of Siegen and Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences investigates the requirements and conditions for a successful collaboration of schools and Fab Labs with children, parents and peers for self-determined, sustainable and creative Making as a form of holistic STEM.
The research field „Digital Cultural Spaces“ (DiCuS) has been launched. In the research projects located within this research field, we employ qualitative and quantitative empirical research methods to investigate implications of digital transformation for cultural education and regional development...